Young Children with Required Immunizations

Percentage of children aged 19-35 months that have received all required immunizations (including 4 doses of DTaP/DTP vaccine, 3 doses of polio vaccine, 1 dose of MMR vaccine, 3 doses of Hib vaccine, 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine, and 1 dose of varicella vaccine).

  • Measurement Period: 2007-2008
Young Children with Required Immunizations
RANGE: 78.1%<64.3%

Understanding the color Range

Each Health Indicator includes five-color range indexes. The color range index compares all counties in the state that have the same indicator in the same timeframe. It then calculates where the selected county falls in that range and displays the color that best reflects how the county is doing in comparison to the other counties in the filtered group. The range displays the highest and lowest county values within the state that have the same indicator for the same measurement period.

Current county values will be compared to State and National values if they are available.

Green and red arrows indicate that the county value is better or worse than the state or national value. The arrows will change directions and colors based on which end of the range is positive.
This icon simply means that the county value is equal to the state or national value.
Some indicators display blue, which means the data is not meant for health-status comparison, but is intended simply to provide information.
If history data is available the trend icon will point up or down based on its relationship to the last county value.
Dimensions 2007-2008
Dimension Low Value High Number of Counties Compared
CDC Treatment Guidelines
National Immunization Survey
The National Immunization Survey (NIS) is a continuing nationwide telephone sample survey to monitor vaccination coverage rates among children 19-35 months of age and among teenagers 13-17 years of age.


NHIs is a nationwide telephone sample survey of households with age-eligible children and teenagers. NIS uses a two-phase sample design. First, a random-digit-dialing sample of telephone numbers is drawn. When households with age-eligible children are contacted, the interviewer collects information on the vaccinations received by all age-eligible children and obtains permission to contact the children's vaccination provider. In the second phase, identified providers are sent vaccination history questionnaires by mail. Providers' responses are compared with information obtained from households to provide a more accurate estimate of vaccination coverage levels. Final estimates are adjusted for households without telephones and for nonresponse.